Title: Regenerative agriculture: A veterinary guide to integrative control of GI parasites in pastured Livestock.
Lop, lop, snip, snip, sizzle. That’s gotta hurt! How are we doing managing pain in cattle.
Title: Common diseases in backyard flocks: Laying hens.
Title: Differential gene expression in peripheral leukocytes of pre-weaned Holstein heifer calves with respiratory disease.
Title: Comparative diagnoses of respiratory disease in preweaned dairy calves using sequential thoracic ultrasonography and clinical respiratory scoring.
Brucellosis has evolved from being a domestic cattle disease to a wildlife disease that only persists in bison and elk in the Greater Yellowstone Area (GYA) in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho.
By Alea Hoffman, Dale Moore, Jorge Vanegas, John R. Wenz The first step to remediation of dairy herd lameness is to determine if a problem exists or not. Ideally, all cows should be examined to find those that need attention or treatment. However, to get started with a herd, particularly a large one, getting a […]
By Alea C. Hoffman, Dale A. Moore, Jorge Vanegas, John R. Wenz Purpose This investigation tool is to provide a framework for evaluation and directed mitigation of lameness in dairies. Its focus is on free-stall and open-lot dairies in the West. The following further describes the investigation strategy and lists sources of more detailed information. […]