Beef cow in field



Active projects

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Dairy Calf

Calf science

Dairy calves represent the future herd but rearing them to be top performers can sometimes be challenging. Our website provides a source of information to dairy farmers, veterinarians, advisors and calf caretakers knowledge and tips on current calf care topics to promote health. Our site provides traditional factsheets, video courses in English and Spanish, and links for science-based ways to approach calf care.

Dairy cows eating hay


Over the past decades there has been an increasing awareness of the detrimental impact on profitability and welfare due to levels of dairy cow mortality in the U.S. and abroad. Similarly, the consequences of forced or biological culling of dairy cows due to ill health and injury have highlighted the importance of animal well-being and associated economic opportunity costs. Underlying these issues are the health and welfare implications of conditions such as lameness and mastitis with the potential to decrease production and cause pain and suffering. Such costly diseases or injuries pose an economic problem for farmers and raise the broader question of appropriate cow longevity in contemporary production.

Archived projects

These are completed projects. The month and year in parentheses indicates when the last update occurred on the project’s site. We cannot guarantee the information presented is current and relevant past the date indicated.

List of archived projects