Title: Regenerative agriculture: A veterinary guide to integrative control of GI parasites in pastured Livestock.
Lop, lop, snip, snip, sizzle. That’s gotta hurt! How are we doing managing pain in cattle.
Title: Common diseases in backyard flocks: Laying hens.
Title: Differential gene expression in peripheral leukocytes of pre-weaned Holstein heifer calves with respiratory disease.
Title: Comparative diagnoses of respiratory disease in preweaned dairy calves using sequential thoracic ultrasonography and clinical respiratory scoring.
Although there are often just one or two of these calves born each year in a beef herd, occasionally, the syndrome can be seen in outbreak form and result in the loss of many calves.
New evidence points to the effects that BLV has on cattle health and performance. However, the infection/disease prevalence in the herd can be managed and, in some cases, eradicated with testing and a variety of management changes.
In a trial we conducted in the summer of 2011 in central Washington, we tested one method to try to improve air circulation within calf hutches to reduce hutch temperatures.