
The Washington State Beekeepers Association (WASBA) is looking for veterinarians who are interested in working with beekeepers

By CS McConnel, Veterinary Medicine Extension In January 2017 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced the implementation of Guidance for Industry #213, a process that began in 2013 to transition antimicrobial drugs with importance in human medicine (medically important antimicrobials) that are used in the feed or drinking water of food-producing animals to veterinary […]

Revisiting pair and group housing

The 2020 American Dairy Science Association’s 4th edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching has generated a lot of discussion within the WSU Field Disease Investigation Unit.

Categories: Dairy

WSU ag senior paper highlights, winter 2023

  • Title: The different castration techniques in beef calves.
  • Title: An overview of the risks and benefits of drinking unpasteurized cow’s milk.
  • Title: Comparison of progesterone based estrus synchronization protocols with differing GnRH and PGF2alpha injections in beef heifers.
Categories: Beef, Dairy

WSU ag animal faculty research updates, winter 2023

  • Title: Effects of a farm-specific fecal microbial transplant (FMT) product on clinical outcomes and fecal microbiome composition in preweaned dairy calves
  • Title: Transcriptional changes detected in fecal RNA from neonatal dairy calves of different breeds following gastrointestinal disease of varying severity
  • Title: Improving farm-level antimicrobial stewardship benchmarks by reporting antimicrobial use within the context of both the magnitude of disease pressure and the outcome of therapy
  • Title: Contrasting fecal methanogenic and bacterial profiles of organic dairy cows located in northwest Washington receiving either a mixed diet of pasture and TMR or solely TMR
Categories: Beef, Dairy

Johne’s disease

Recently a case presented to WADDL that served as a reminder of the challenges related to managing Johne’s disease within goat herds.

Categories: Goat, Sheep

Weighing the Evidence Part 3

What Measures do we have to recuce E coli0157:H7 shedding from cattle? By Dale A. Moore When we think of infectious disease control in animals and people, we usually rely on preventing exposure to the infectious agent and on boosting the immune system – such as by using vaccines — to provide resistance if and […]

Categories: Uncategorized