New Year’s resolutions for companion animal vets from the state vet’s office

  1. Be RAD and use the RAD (Reportable Animal Disease) platform to report diseases of concern, new or emerging diseases, high morbidity or mortality events, or diseases with public health concern.
  2. Use free Electronic CVIS on Oregon Veterinary Information Systems.
  3. Use for all your export needs.
  4. Educate clients on rescuing pets – What to Know When Rescuing a Pet in WA State.
  5. Join the Reserve Vet Corps.
  6. Brush up on B. canis and brucella species and keep B canis on your differential list for dogs with discospondylitis.
  7. Heartworm ANTIGEN test all dogs, especially that have been rescued, adopted, or traveled out of state.
  8. Report sick birds or chickens to our hotline.  Report dead wild birds or animals to Dept of Fish and Wildlife.
  9. Avoid antimicrobial resistance by running diagnostics prior to establishing a treatment plan and attend this year’s NIAA antibiotics symposium .
  10. Prevent zoonotic disease transmission in the clinic – Model Infection Control Plan for Veterinary Practices.
  11. Report Rabies cases to your local health jurisdiction or call WA DOH 24/7 Case Reporting Telephone Line – 1-206-418-5500 or 1-877-539-4344. Review how to handle bat encounters and to manage patients with potential exposure.
  12. Use this Reporting Guide for Veterinarians Assisting for Cruelty and Neglect Cases and tips for how to testify in court
  13. Provide feedback on WAC 16-54, Animal Importation, as we prepare to make changes this year, especially with regards to our heartworm requirements
  14. Encourage your clients to perform routine diagnostics at WSU WADDL.
  15. Host vaccine clinics for companion animals and offer the RHDV2 vaccine for rabbits
  16. Wear PPE (gloves, masks), especially when handling aborted fetuses, exposed to influenza viruses or other diseases of public health concern. 
  17. Brush up on FAD training and/or secure your Complete your NVAP training accreditation modules to get recertification credit or check out the FARM PPE trainings.  
  18. Allow USDA endorsement offices at least 2 weeks to process international pet travel documents.