
Washington Integrated Food Safety Center of Excellence: Survey

Washington Integrated Food Safety Center of Excellence (CoE) and Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (WADDL) are conducting a survey to assess antimicrobial use patterns and tendencies among Washington State practicing veterinarians. The results of this survey will be used to assess trends in antimicrobial use in veterinarians and assist in the development of resources for […]

The Washington State Beekeepers Association (WASBA) is looking for veterinarians who are interested in working with beekeepers

By CS McConnel, Veterinary Medicine Extension In January 2017 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced the implementation of Guidance for Industry #213, a process that began in 2013 to transition antimicrobial drugs with importance in human medicine (medically important antimicrobials) that are used in the feed or drinking water of food-producing animals to veterinary […]

WA VCPR Rule Took Effect June 4

by Dale A. Moore, Extension Veterinarian The new Washington State Veterinary Client Patient Relationship rule took effect last month. Based on the Rule-Making Order, “The VCPR assumes that the veterinarian is responsible for the health of the patient, has current knowledge of the patient’s condition, and is available for follow up evaluation or has arranged […]

Congratulations are in Order!

We have scholarship winners! Devon Kartchner is a recipient of the AABP Amstutz Scholarship. Congratulations, Devon! Lane Schmitt and Kevin Gavin are recipients of the AABP Bovine Veterinary Student Recognition Award. This award also comes with a scholarship. Nice going, Lane and Kevin (Class of 2018)! Please congratulate our students.