The impact of the Estrus Detection Method on the production, reproduction, and profitability of dairy farms

By Giulia Berzoini Costa Leite, Master’s student
Department of Animal Sciences, Washington State University

One of the main points of reproductive efficiency is correctly identifying cows in estrus. A slight change in estrus (heat) detection efficiency can have substantial impacts on a farm’s profitability. In a study recently conducted by the WSU Department of Animal Science, a computer model was used to simulate the impact of the heat detection method on farm profitability in three scenarios: 1) visual observation (VO); 2) rump/tail markers; 3) or electronic detection (pedometers, collars, or any other device). The model accounted for a 6% and a 12% improvement in heat detection when changing from VO to RM and from RM to ED, respectively. Simulations were run for two climatic scenarios based on the states of Washington and Florida, totaling 6 scenarios.

Results from this study revealed a substantial enhancement in both estrus detection and pregnancy rates with the incorporation of technology into the system. Although the changes in conception rates were numerically modest (as depicted in Figure 1 A, B, and C, respectively), these findings were in line with our initial expectations. The heightened accuracy of estrus detection facilitated more precise insemination procedures, thereby augmenting the likelihood of successful breeding outcomes in cattle.

Figure 1: Estimated estrus detection (A), pregnancy rate (B), and conception rate (C) according to the adopted heat detection method in Florida and Washington.

Bar chart comparing Florida and Washington. Y Axis: Visual, Tail, and Electronic. X Axis: Estrus detection rate. Please reach out to get percentages indicated.
Figure 1. (A)

Bar chart comparing Florida and Washington. Y Axis: Pregnancy rate. X Axis: Electronic, Tail, and Visual. Please reach out to get percentages indicated.
Figure 1. (B)

Bar chart comparing Florida and Washington. Y Axis: Conception rate. X Axis: Electronic, Tail, and Visual. Please reach out to get percentages indicated.
Figure 1. (C)

Figure 2: Costs associated with the chosen heat detection method implementation (A), labor usage for estrus detection (B), and total cost of reproduction (C), which includes semen and artificial insemination materials prices.

If we take a closer look at the investment made to implement each estrus detection method alongside the total expenses associated with breeding, it is clear that electronic methods are more expensive initially, but they also require less human labor, which could be extremely persuasive due to employee shortages in the US.

Bar chart comparing Florida and Washington. Y Axis: Electronic, Tail, and Visual. X Axis: Cost associated with heat detection implementation. Please reach out to get percentages indicated.
Figure 2. (A)
Bar chart comparing Florida and Washington. Y Axis: Labor cost of reproduction. X Axis: Electronic, Tail, and Visual. Please reach out to get percentages indicated.
Figure 2. (B)
Bar chart comparing Florida and Washington. Y Axis: Total cost of reproduction. X Axis: Electronic, Tail, and Visual. Please reach out to get percentages indicated.
Figure 2. (C)

Figure 3: Farm annual profit according to the chosen heat detection method on Florida and Washington dairy operations.

Bar chart comparing Florida and Washington. Y Axis: Electronic, Tail, and Visual. X Axis: Farm annual profit. Please reach out to get percentages indicated.
Figure 3.

Lastly, when evaluating herd productivity and farm rentability, adding technology has the potential to increase the system’s efficiency, maximizing profit especially in colder environments (i.e., WA state). This phenomenon can be attributed to two primary factors. Firstly, enhanced reproductive efficiency reduces the number of open animals, thereby minimizing unproductive individuals within the dairy operation. Enabling fast and precise estrus identification helps increase calf production per year and limits milk loss due to “stale” cows. Secondly, it is well-established that Holsteins are particularly susceptible to heat stress and given the increased number of warm months in Florida compared to Washington, this concern becomes even more pronounced. Irrespective of improvements made to reproductive protocols, heat stress will hinder cattle from expressing their maximum genetic and productive potential.

In conclusion, using technology to enhance heat detection has the potential to be a valuable long-term investment for farms. By implementing such advancements, farms can effectively reduce unproductive time for animals, increase average yearly production, and consequently boost annual profits. This holds particularly true in controlled environmental stress situations, where the benefits of incorporating technology become even more pronounced.


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