Secure milk supply plans: Addressing logistical concerns and current biosecurity protocols

By E.E. Thrower, CVM, and E. Vergara
WSU College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences, (CAHNRS)

Contagious disease outbreaks such as Foot and Mouth Disease represent a major threat to the dairy industry,
as both animal health/welfare and business continuity are affected. Secure Milk Supply (SMS) plans allow for
dairy herds to prepare enhanced biosecurity measures, which consist of designating a line of separation,
establishing controlled entry access points, and setting up cleaning and disinfection (C&D) stations to control
access to the premises and isolate on-farm activity. The objectives of this study were to 1) assess frequent
concerns raised by dairymen regarding SMS implementation, and 2) explore potential changes made to current
biosecurity protocols as a result of completing a plan. A total of 18 premises representing 12 dairies (average
size: 4,041 lactating cows; range: 1,250 – 9,700) throughout the state of Washington were involved in the
project. Based on farm manager or owner input, C&D station implementation was considered the component
of an SMS plan that would be the most challenging to execute (7/12 dairies). This was due to the requirement
for an open area with access to adequate water and proper drainage. Additionally, the lengthy process of proper
C&D was a concern given the potential impact on traffic congestion due to the frequency and number of feed
trucks entering and exiting the farms. Another common concern raised by the dairymen (4/12) was the
continuous monitoring of personnel and vehicle access points necessary to oversee adherence to biosecurity
protocols, as there would need to be an employee designated in this position at all times to best secure the
farm. With regard to objective 2, most participating farmers did not plan to make any concrete modifications as
a result of completing their SMS plan; however, several (5/12) expressed the need for more biosecurity training
to raise employee awareness and increase conscientiousness regarding tracking movement onto the dairy.