Academy of Dairy Veterinary Consultants spring meeting in notes
by Joseph Dalton
Genomics Discussion
- At the meeting to learn more
- Bulls to Stud
- Test all females
- Test all heifers
- OPU IVF top 10%
- Embryos in low 40-50%
- Conv. In other animals sexed acll
- Not sure what next stop is
- Increase $$ in herd
- Vet as manager/advisor
- Hersey Dairy
- Sexed semen Heifers – custom fed
- Feed the best (not all)
- Super = ET
- Early adopters Know what to do
- Sell additional heifers
- Poor motivation Poor results potentially
- o Don’t use sexed semen yet
- Use other techniques first
- Sexed Semen
- o Lots of heifers born
- Don’t feed them all – But how to decide which to keep?
- Identify bottom ends?
- Hardest part – How to select heifers?
- Develop lots of heifers with sexed semen – then cut bottom out
- Use sexed semen to eliminate jersey calf >0% to SS, 30% to Beef
- Tech service from Zoetis
- Genetic profile
- Code / Semen buy info strategy sexed, conventional, beef.
- Zoetis better service; Neogen cheaper services but not as good as Zoetis
- DVM’s not bringing this up with clients; Clients are early adopters
- DVM @ MTG who has used sexed semen for years.
- Excess heifers
- Excellent health records
- Sells animals to other producers; willing to sell at 1st strike or 2nd strike; potentially due to recurrent health events
- o How to build a decision tree?
- Diagnostic opportunity when $NM comes back as – 8 $NM
- Do heifers from bottom % make good recips?
- Neogen dairy DASH BOARD – went live Oct 1st
- 5 or 6 participating DVM’s bring up genomics with clients
- Milk price is low – Barrier
- Expand? – Barrier
- Value of semen again
- OPU 7 month old heifers – IVF – ET
- Raise them, sell bottom %
- Embryo Prod
- $110 in vivo cost
- $60-70 IVF cost
- Very selective on sires
- Early adopter of technology very high genetics What are we going to do with these animals?